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About Us

Our Identity Statement

Our Mission
Here at Campbell, we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord as a United Methodist Church dedicatd to the unifying message of love and inclusion. In the spirit of Christ's teachings, we open our doors wide to all, embracing the beautiful diversity of humanity. We welcome every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, as we also welcome persons of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, education level, family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more.
In the example of Christ, Campbell United Methodist Church shines as a beacon of acceptance and affirmation. Our faith community seeks to create a sanctuary where every individual finds a place of belonging, respect, and support. We firmly believe that love knows no boundaries, and we strive to dismantle the barriers that have marginalized so many. With open hearts and open minds, we work toward a world where differences are celebrated, justice prevails, and the life-changing power of Christ's love transcends all.
At Campbell United Methodist Church, we find strength in diversity and unity through the transformative love of our Lord Jesus Christ. We invite everyone to join us on this journey of faith, that together we may forge a path toward a more inclusive and compassionate society in Jesus' name.

Our Mission

To help people become disciples of Jesus Christ who are changing the world for God’s sake.

The Fellowship Hall of Campbell UMC filled with people eating and conversing. The tables are circular and have lime green/yellow tablecloths.

2024 Campbell Fish Dinner Fundraiser to support ministries to the community.

Our Core Values

Click on each core value below to watch the sermon about why and how we follow them.

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